Monday, August 23, 2010

Iphone 4 - Free Bumper Case - Steve Jobs Design

With the greatness and trust on Steve Jobs and his team's design on iPhone4. Bought that little gadget. Claims were made for the signalling problems (also applied some magic formula to show the signal strength high) and the creators compared with the all the phones available in the market to show they are not worst compared to others. All for making money sake and not to accept their poor design.

I ordered the poor Apple's Bumper another wrong assumption that their creation is great. I used to listen to songs and audiobooks on my travel using the Panasonic Noise Cancellation Headphones. This little bumper cannot even accept the standard stereo plug into the socket of the iPhone4 with the Bumper. If you plug it in it throws it away automatically. Please don't blame to Apple, Steve Jobs will bring all phone and insert the stereo plugs to those phones and will create a web page like this.

Last but not the least, I throwed the Apple's Bumper to the shelves and got another one from Costco which did the same job plus it accepted all types of stereo plugs.

Worthless Free Case. Another poor design from a creative company.

Trust me. I'm not a regular phone user. I like using Applications based upon Data. Iphone4 is not good as a phone, but somewhat good for data applications with a better graphics.

Friday, August 20, 2010

php-cgi.exe exceeds the current memory limitation

Memory on php-cgi runs out when executing php-scripts.
Formula for Instances:

Ideal Instances: (TotalMemory in GB/Instances) < 2

Recommended Instances: (TotalMemory in GB / Instances) < 1

If you are using IIS or apache check for the following parameters which affects the performance of php,

These are settings in
php.ini Settings:
session.gc_probability = 1
session.gc_divisor     = 100
session.gc_maxlifetime = 14400 - After 4 hours it resets all the Garbage collected Data.

Web Server Settings:

NumberofRequest Per Instance
MaxRequests for the CGI
Maximum Number of Instances

It works charm with distributed memory on the distributed instances.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to find whether a mail is sent or Received?

I was thinking of a way to find whether an email in a folder whether it is Sent or Received mails. It may happen through any of the existing protocol (POP3, IMAP).

Check for "Received" header in the email headers. If you have values on the received headers then it is a Sent Email otherwise it is a received email to that mailbox.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Warning: Cannot modify header information - PHP error on packages - Solved

Warning: Cannot modify header information

You can resolve this error in three ways. This recently happened on a plain vannila wordpress install just modifying the wp_config.php in windows. The file encoding got changed to UTF (With BOM).

As a normal user if you are just installing the package or if you edited a file then this is purely a encoding problem on the file.

Use editor like notepad++ and change the encoding of the file (Encoding Menu) to ANSI or if the File is in UTF-8  then encode in Encode in UTF-8 Without BOM. This should resolve the problem.

If you are developer having code problem,

  1. Chances you have space or empty lines or characters going out of your code before the
  2. Use ob_start(); function. If you cannot control the output then use ob_start(); function at top the page, then your problem of "modify header" will be resolved. ob_start() is output controlling function. This is an urgent way of fixing it but not a clean way.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

SugarCRM Relationship Error - Solved

Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in E:\SugarCRM\modules\Relationships\Relationship.php

If you get error like this means your cache is having a problem. Delete all the files and rebuild the cache twice. It is also wise to copy the cache directory from a working SugarCRM instance and rebuid the cache twice.
